Welcome to the home of Classic British Motorcycles, based in the heart of the country, Derbyshire. Trade Classic Bikes was set up by Motorcycle Enthusiast, Richard, for the sole purpose of being able to supply Classic British Motorcyclists with New & Used Spare Parts to keep their machines on the road.
This is a small business & as such is: Small Enough To Care, Large Enough To Compete!
To search for a particular part, enter the O.E.M. number in the search box above.
"Any parts which show as 'Out Of Stock' or 'Not Listed, please send me an email as they maybe available"
I supply the following Classic British Motorcycle Makes:

Bikesure Insurance:- QUOTE Ref: G2605*
Free Landline Number: 0808 503 4349.
New Customer Quotations: 0333 272 6443
New Services - Ultrasonic Cleaning / Polishing / Powder Coating (See the bottom of the page!)
Powder Coating - Small to Medium sized individual & bulk items - Quick turnaround - Ideal for someone wanting single or a few parts powder coating without the long wait & high prices. Contact me with your requirements!
Only Excellent Quality Spares Supplied Here
Read on the 'About Us' Page!

Environment Policy:
Richard at Trade Classic Bikes now uses all 'Parts Delivery Packaging From Suppliers' to send out customers orders where possible - trying not to waste any cardboard and bags.

Any enquiries about parts required, please use the 'Email Form' at the bottom of the page.

Contact us
Tel: 01773 856287 or 07815 087445.
Email: tradeclassicbikes@gmail.com
Place of interest for any motorcyclist:
National Motorcycle Museum
Coventry Road
West Midlands
B92 0EJ
TEL: 01675 443311
The museum is fantastic for everyone whether new to motorcycling, restoring or just have a passion for all things motorcycles, it's a must see. They have a 'Friends' of the museum scheme, which gives members 'Workshop' sessions, 'Try a Bike' day, discounts in the shops and canteen and free entry to the museum for a year. Having joined myself I can recommend it, I have attended 'Workshop' session with guest speaker 'Rick Parkington' from the Classic Bike Magazine. This was an inspiration listening to someone else's hints and tips and how to overcome them. An excellent day out, these are held several times throughout the year. The 'Try A Bike' day is a brilliant way to ride Classic Motorcycles straight from the museum itself, these include 'Early Hand Change to later models such as Triumph Bonneville & BSA Royal Star' bikes.
Your Bikes, Parts, Basket Cases, Quick Answer, Cash Paid, Discreet Professional Service.
New Products Listed:
New Services:
Powder Coating
(Small Items Powder Coated)
Rockerbox Inspection
Rear Brake Cam Lever

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Powder Coating
(Small Items Powder Coated)
Headlight Bowl Inner Rim

Ultrasonic Cleaning
Clutch Pressure Plate 40-3222 & Rear Brake Plate 40-6025

Thicker Gaskets Made
BSA C15, B40, B25 & C25 Chaincase Gasket

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